Dug spent his birthday weekend making a DVD with The Swordsmen, Dirk Perfect and Guido Crescendo (AKA: Douglas Mumaw and David Woolley) at The Bristol Renaissance Faire. http://www.theswordsmen.com/ .
The whole family tagged along and had a merry olde time. The fabulous swordsmen provided accommodations, libations and tickets for the wee uns. They even regaled Dug with a surprise happy birthday song and an ice cream crepe during a break between shows.
The kids both scaled a castle and conquered the pirate catapult. Mighty Sage, weighing in at 36lbs, flew about 3 stories in the air, belly laughing and shouting "HIGHER!". Dugan got a kick out of The Swordsmen calling him by name, during a big parade through the grounds, and he was thrilled with his wooden shield and play sword. He was the only dragon-wizard-knight in the village.